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Mothers Union Meetings

Mothers' Union

First Wednesday of the Month – Front Room

The Mothers’ Union is a Christian organisation with more than 3 million members in 76 countries, which promotes the well being of families worldwide.

Here at St. Mary’s we have a branch of about 50 members (including single people and men). We have a programme of events which includes a monthly meeting, usually on the second Thursday of each month, at 10.15am in Church House. We have talks on a wide range of subjects, frequently by someone representing a charity, sometimes historical, sometimes of a more spiritual nature. We have a good record of fund raising to provide holidays for families undergoing a difficult time and to support overseas work, particularly supporting the MU Literacy and Development Project.

On the first Wednesday of each month there is a Communion Service in the church arranged by Mothers' Union for all members of the congregation. This is at 11.30 a.m. and is followed by a simple soup and cake lunch in Church House (£2) to which all are invited. There is no need to book, just turn up.

You do not need to attend meetings to be a member, just to support the MU aims and objectives. This suits some of our younger members who work in the daytime. Many of our members are carrying out voluntary work with the Sunday Club, the Thursday Baby and Toddlers group and work in the Parish Primary School.

For more information contact Margaret Eames (Branch Chair), Mary Fall (Branch Treasurer), any Committee Member (see notice board in church), or visit the MU websites or

Contact: Margaret Eames (020 8851 5180 or 07711 654647) or Mary Fall (020 8464 1239).

See also the website page here.

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