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St. Mary's Worship

Our services are now taking place in the church building...

Services are now being held in the Church building.  Holy Communion and a Family Service once a month are held in the Church on Sunday mornings at 10:30.  We video the services so it is also live streamed with catch up available later.

...and Sunday Club for the children

Sunday club for children and their parents during term time

We start in church at 10.30 a.m., go to the Church Hall after the prayer called the Collect for songs, a Bible story, games and prayers and then return to church for the rest of the service. 

Live Streamed Services

Many of our services are live streamed on our Facebook page as well as being open to the public in Church, but some are only available on-line.  All of the services will be available as a catch up.

Please see the calendar and our Facebook page for details.

You do not have to 'do facebook' you can just  click here

The Order of Service for our Sunday Service with Baptism is here


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